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Alberta Falter Thomas

Alberta Falter
Residing In: Hartland, MI USA

Traveled to Germany, Switzerland,Austria and Italy to downhill ski, briefly stayed in Alaska, visited Greece,Egypt and surrounding areas, saw bull fights in Mexico, did some more downhill skiing in California and Canada. Lived in California, came home to get married and that did not work out. So what else is new? My main source of income came from doing electrical and mechanical drafting for too many hours a week. I have a builders license for something to do when I have nothing else to do,except working in my garden and maintaining my home when I am not on the lake fishing. Raised four daughters.

Christine is a dentist and she built herself a six thousand square foot office building on Okemos Road. In some respects this is her baby and two years ago she acquired a stepson, Harrison, 12.

Laura lives in Spring Lake,Michigan and is a dietician. She gave me three grandchildren Ellen, 11, Nick, 9, and Jack, 7. These children are all blond-tow heads and are very active in sports.

Jennifer lives in Pinckney, Michigan and is the owner of a large ceramic tile company. Her company did the last Metro Airport tile job, which is a mile and a quarter long. They built a 60 thousand square foot office building in Brighton. She gave me two grandchildren: Morgen, 11 and Sloan, 9. They are light red heads and are very active in sports, too.

Tennille lives in Hamburg, Michigan and says she is a stay at home mom. Well, when school is going on I can usually be found at their home two or three times a week. So much for the stay at home stuff. She gave me four grandchildren Sophia, 8, Annabelle,7, Garrett Jr., 3, other wise known as Captain and last but not least Viola, born September 30. Capitano Destructo, in Spanish, was the name given to him by his sisters. They are also involved in sports.

All ten grand children were really easy deliveries for me and all ten have good fathers.